About Stephanie
Dreamer * Lover * Mother * Writer
Writing books is easy*. Writing a bio is hard.
* Just kidding.
Want the short, "official" version? Click here. Otherwise, grab a drink and snuggle up, I've got a story for you.
Let's start by hitting rewind: I was born to be an author. How do I know this? Because for over 30 years, my parents have said I learned to read before I began talking, and writing came right after I first picked up a pencil. Steve Jobs debuted the Macintosh computer the same year I was born, quickly becoming my new best friend (the computer, not Jobs). In elementary school, I "hired" friends as cover designers and publishers, and everyone was convinced I would be a household name by the time I completed high school.
Alas, it was not to be. Why? Well, my friends, I discovered boys, bars, and booze. Yes, it was a terrible, hormonally-charged time, chock full of misery and buckets filled with tears (of my exes, muahahaha). Fast forward through a decade of wasting way too much time on NOT writing (but daydreaming about it all the time), and I met my husband. Phew.
My husband's drive to succeed in his career allowed me the flexibility to leave my corporate, soul-sucking job to become a stay at home mom to two tiny terrorist toddlers. I have the grey hairs and an allergy to hair dye to prove it. Childcare costs so close to Washington, DC (where we lived) also meant we would spend more with two in daycare than I made in a month. Toss in a toxic workplace environment, and it was an easy decision to leave.
But as much as I loved being with my kiddos day in and day out, something was missing. Like my husband, I had a drive and a passion, too, but writing books couldn't possibly help pay the bills. It was just a hobby, right?
Wrong. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong. The publishing world had changed significantly since I last made an attempt at writing full-time. Indie publishing was alive and thriving, and I wanted in.
As soon as I realized I had the time and energy to write again in 2018, the words poured out of me. Within the first two months of being back at a keyboard, I wrote my first novel, a book I thought up while daydreaming during Latin and mythology classes in college. It took me almost a year to figure out how to publish it... unsuccessfully. I continued to make mistake after mistake over the next year until I rebranded and republished my series. Finally, I had a taste of success.
But I'm still not where I want or need to be yet. I want nothing more in this world than to show my kids that it doesn't matter how old you are or how much of a struggle something is. If you're passionate, determined, and willing to put in the work, almost anything is possible.
So, I wrote more books, then some more. Only the grave will stop me now.
If you made it this far, I hope you'll consider giving my books a read. If they're not your cup of tea (or java in Veronica's case), I hope this tale at least made you smile.
TL;DR Version
Stephanie Mirro is an Amazon Charts bestselling author and best known for The Last Phoenix urban fantasy romance series. Stephanie's lifetime love of ancient mythology led to a college major in the Classics, which wasn't as much fun as writing her own fantastical mythology stories. But that education combined with an overactive imagination and a love for all things fantasy resulted in a writing career.
Now Stephanie starts her days with coffee and ends them with wine. She can usually be found juggling household chores, keeping the kids alive, and trying to write, edit, publish, and market the stories that haunt her dreams.
Although born and raised in the Southern Arizona desert, Stephanie now resides in Georgia with her two kids and two furbabies. This thing called “seasons” is still magical.